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Epoch Admin Tools

For DayZ


Epoch Admin Tools is an administration mod created for the game DayZ. The mod provides a number of tools to server admins that allow them to monitor their servers for people not following the rules and to right issues in the server such as glitched vehicles or stuck players. The mod also enables other tasks such as creating events and building cities in the game. This project has been developed consistently for over a year now.


This tool is built using a special language developed by Bohemia Interactive called SQF as well as some C++ used for .dll files. The main tool is written in SQF, the standard language for modding the game, but there are a few .dll files I have written to allow the tool to do things outside the scope of the game. SQF has a large amount of constraints as to what is possible to do with it so I used .dll files to do things such as log tool usage to .txt files, log player data to .txt files, and perform other tasks impossible when using the SQF language.


These administration tools are currently in use on thousands of servers and come installed

on servers hosted by some companies such as Gamingdeluxe and Nitrado. The tool has become so popular that the install guide has been translated into multiple languages such as French, Chinese, Russian, and German. The translated versions can be found all over the internet on mesage boards and personal blogs.


The code for this can be found on my github HERE

The support forum can be found HERE

A demonstration video for what this tool can do can be found HERE

An instaall video for how the tool is added to a server can be found HERE

X Note Plus

Computer Science Senior Project


As a student at UNC Charlotte I was required to participate in a capstone course where students are grouped and come up with an idea for a senior project that must be developed and presented to the instructor. The project my group and I came up with was a note sharing and study site that allows students to upload their notes and create study guides or view other students notes.


The project has a large amount of features and was given the highest grade possible for the course, 250 points. The site is not entirely complete as the project was only worked on for about half of the semester, but it will be worked on more by myself and one other group member to keep our skills sharp and to continue learning more about web development.


The code for this project can be found on my github HERE

A live version of the site can be found HERE

Watsonsim: Deep Question Analysis

Computer Science - Text Analytics


This was a project aimed at recreating the IBM Watson Jeopardy computer from nothing. It was a large scale project consisting mostly of graduate level students under the guidance of Dr. Wlodek Zadrozney, an IBM employee who worked on the original IBM Watson computer as a programmer. The project mostly utilized Java written and tested in a Ubuntu Linux environment.

I worked on the project for about 9 months dealing with writing new scorers, researches, running machine learning tests, and optimizing code.


This was one of the most challenging projects I ever participated in due to the advanced level of coding and the scope of the project. I felt a bit overwhelmed going into this project and it was hard to figure out how I wanted to contribute to it when I considered the skill of the people who had already been working on the project and how large the project already was before I contributed to it. After talking with some of the people on the project I felt my time was best spent enhancing the code that already existed and trying to improve the accuracy of the engine.


The code for this project can be found HERE



FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)

High school robotics competitions


FRC is a high school division robotics competition ranging from regional to national levels. Students are given a task that they must build a robot to solve and compete in 3v3 matches as they attempt to be the first to complete the given tasks. These robots are restricted to being of no more than 120lbs and can extend several feet in any direction.


I was the lead electrical engineer and programmer for our team for a number of years, but I had participated in designing and construction every part of the robot. I have also been the team captain and was one of the three drivers for four years. The most challenging part I participated in for any of the robots was the programming. I had to teach myself the programming for the robots and be proficient enough to have the robots competition ready. This was not an easy task for someone with no formal programming training.


I still offer my help to the team as a distance mentor for programming when it is needed.


Our team was the Clawbotz, team 2483 (center robot pictured right)


Information about FIRST

Computer Science TA

C++, Algorithms, and Technology Ethics


After my first year at college I decided it was time to get a job to help bring in some extra money during my free time. I found a job teaching for the lab portion of a C++ introduction course. As a sophomore I had to teach for two three hour labs a week and grade assignments during the two semesters I worked as a lab TA. This was a big step for me as I was teaching labs without supervision and I was usually the same age or younger than most of my students. Most thought I was a senior due to my knowledge and teaching ability and were quite stunned when they found I was not. Word got around of how good I was at teaching the material and after just a few weeks my office began overflowing with students from all class sessions during my posted office hours for tutoring and homework help. Many other TAs (there were 9 in total) almost never had students come to their office and most of their students were coming to me. This really got me thinking about teaching as a career. 


After a full year of working as a lab TA for C++ I decided to move around and try some other courses that I did well in. I moved to teaching Logic and Algorithms which used Java 7 as the language. This position was more centered on grading assignments and being a tutor to those who needed it. It was a good experience, but I missed the large amount of teaching from my last position. When I decided to change positions again I had too much course work to go back to my first position, so I looked for another new one. I eventually settled on an ethics course: The Ethics of Technology in Society. This was an interesting course that only required me to grade, but the assignments were usually written papers. I enjoyed reading the different views people had on the topics.




Connect 4 in LISP

Computer Science - Intro to AI project


During an artificial intelligence course at UNC Charlotte, a group of peers and my self created this connect 4 project using the LISP language. The course focused on the LISP and Prolog languages as they applied to artificial intelligence.


The task for this project was to use either LISP or Prolog to create some kind of artificial intelligence. My group and I decided that the easiest way to portray artificial intelligence is to use a video game. We had all had a good amount of experience playing video games so we knew how it should work out. We threw around a few ideas on what kind of game we should do and settled on the game of Connect 4 because of its simple game mechanics.


There are three settings for the game: easy, intermediate, hard, and insane. To the right, you can see a picture of the game being played. It is a text system where the player is the X and the player makes moves by entering a number for which column they want to place their next chip.


The code for this project can be found HERE




YouTube Tutorials

For DayZ


I have created a number of videos to teach people how to create and modify game servers for the game DayZ. These tutorials provide a direct link to the required materials, give step-by-step instructions on how to create or modify the server, and how to edit/manage the server.


The channel is not very old and is still growing. As of the end of December 2014 my channel stats read over 9,000 views per month and 38,000 minutes watched per month. There are currently over 700 subscribers to the channel and almost 70,000 total views.


The channel has gotten relatively popular in the DayZ community that I have decided to plan on expanding the channel into other areas such as C++ tutorials, creative satirical commercials, and some board/video game videos. I have experimented with creating C++ tutorials and I am happy with the results so I expect these to be my next line of tutorials.



To view the videos on this website click HERE

To view on my YouTube Channel click HERE


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